Grading is a very strange subject for me. On the one hand, I want all of the students I help to teach to succeed. On the other hand, sometimes the code that they hand in makes me cringe. If that just comes from experience or because it is just that bad, I have yet to find out. It is still a little weary for me to be controlling so many student's grades. I think the worst part about it is that since I am not the one to be coming up with the rubric, I don't always know how much things should be docked for.
That in mind, it always strikes me as irksome when I see students with code that clearly has not been tested. Even the times where I have had to throw something together at the last minute, I have the forethought to make sure that it will at least work to some extent. I know this isn't always the case for some students, if that is because they just legitimately hit a roadblock or something, but sometimes you can just tell.
I will say that I have found the work to be very insightful, as it has made me come to realize some of the bad coding practices that I still have to work on. For that I can be thankful I suppose.
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