Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lit Review 8: Market Power and Regulation

This time we are looking at an interesting bit of literature detailing how companies operate under differing monopolization laws


The article was written by Jean Tirole


The paper details how companies act under different market strains and conditions


You can find the section here.


The paper was published on October 13th, 2014

The Gist:

The paper details Triole's work on different economic models and their issues detailing actual economics in action.

The Good:

  • Text is easy to read
  • Explains examples pretty adequately

The Bad:

  • The paper seems to be written in the third person which just throws things off
  • Doesn't actually have very much to do with selling code

Any Questions?

  • What model should we actually be using?
  • Is there something that we can do?

In Conclusion:

I personally didn't really enjoy this reading very much. Normally I like papers like this, but I find it hard to grasp what the end goal of the paper is. It seems to focus on the difficulty of having a proper economic model, but doesn't do anything beyond say that it is difficult. This honestly feels like the forward to an actual paper as opposed to anything else. 5/10.

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