1. What are the 5 Pillars of the "Open Source Way"?
-Open Exchange
-Rapid Prototyping
2. What are the 8 General Principals that Weber lists?
-Make it Interesting and make it happen
-Scratch an Itch
-Minimize how often you have to reinvent the wheel
-Solve problems through parallel work processes wherever possible
-Leverage the Law of Large Numbers
-Document what you do
-Release Early and Release Often
-Talk a lot
3. How are the 5 Pillars and Weber's General Principals similar?
Namely, the pillars and principals share the same idea of what people within the open source community to be doing. Communicate and work together with one another. This is most apparent between the Open Exchange Pillar and not reinventing the wheel and leverage of law of large numbers principals.
4. How are they different?
Weber chooses to go much more in depth with each point than any of the general principals do. This puts more focus on specific elements like working together which is not quite as strongly represented in the pillars. The pillars also put forward meritocracy which isn't really brought up by Weber.
In Weber's analysis, he draws heavily on Eric S. Raymond's text "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" which can be found here
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